Attorney Sylvia Ho
Channel for Connecticut
Business Owners

Basic Patent Law for Business People
What is a patent? Does your product qualify for a patent?
Here is an easy to understand introduction to patent law for businesses making products to sell.

Mistakes that Cause Loss of the Business Asset
What are some common mistakes entrepreneurs make when filing for a patent?
Patent attorney Matt Patterson discusses scenarios that can result in problems in protecting this important assets.

Real Life Example of a Patented and Trademarked Product
We look at a successful protected product that generates lots of revenue to its founders. We review and discuss the different protections that prevent the competition from making the product and selling it.
Matt is with Optimal IT Strategies, LLC in Glastonbury, CT. www.optimalipstrategies.com matthew.patterson@optimalipstrategies.com

Computer Data Breaches - legal reporting & liability
In this interview with Stan Gryskiewicz of PC Development Group (stan@pcdevelopmentgroup.com) and Scott Prestileo, a commercial insurance broker at Burgess Insurance (scott@tmburgessins.com), we discuss data breaches and the danger they pose to the survival of a small business, reporting requirements, government penalties, liability from law suits and what small business owners can do to protect themselves.